Welcome to the ASTONRail Handbook!

The ASTONRail handbook shall be a living collection of usefull links and information on innovative rail higher education. It lives by contributions of all stakeholders of the railway sector in a low-threshold way. However, this wiki lives from participation. It will only ever contain as much information and be as up-to-date as you as a user contribute to it. 

So, please, contribute!

The development of the ASTONRail handbook started during Working Group 8 of the ASTONRail project (Advanced approacheS and practices for rail training and education TO inNovate Rail study programmes & Improve rail higher education provision) under responsibility of TH Wildau (Research Group Transport Logistics and Transportation System Engineering) with contribution from all project partners. It collects a lot of the results of this EU-Erasmus+ project in a flexible and dynamic way.

Handbook Structure and Target Groups

The main structure of the ASTONRail handbook follows the target groups we identified in the project, as this are:

  1. Future students who want to start a career in rail and therefor are looking for suitable study courses: You will find your rail-related study course in the ASTONRail database and get information about career perspectives and job profiles

  2. Students and graduates who are looking for a job in the railway sector: You will get information about the needs of the industry and where to find a job
  3. People in HEI and teachers who want to implement approaches and learning methods in their railway course and programmes and/or who want to build up new rail-focused courses and programmes: You get information about teaching and learning methods for rail skills development in the ASTONRail methods catalogue and get to know how to implement them in practice from the ASTONRail best practice examples.
  4. Career changers who will enter the railway sector: You are also warmly very welcome in this handbook and in the railway sector. Information on studying can be found here and information on where to find a job are here.

We also collect information about the structure of Higher Education, especially in rail. Therefore we have a special section: EQF levels and the Rail Career Matrix

Finally, more information about the ASTONRail project and the produced outcome is collected on a few wiki pages.

However, this wiki lives from participation. It will only ever contain as much information and be as up-to-date as you as a user contribute to it. So, please, contribute! (What a wiki is and how it works is documented here. For syntax issues this site will help.)

2020 Erasmus+ KA203 Grant Agreement Number: 2020-1-UK01-KA203-079064)