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WG9 – Output 9: Technical specification profiles of skilled workforce for a vibrant and competent rail sector

Start date: 28/09/2022
End date: 19/08/2023
Leading organisation: Aston University
Participating organisations: Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, EURNEX e.V., Technische Hochschule Wildau, Zilinska univerzita v Ziline, Sveuciliste u Zagrebu, Universidad de Málaga.

Aim of the WG

The aim of the WG was to develop an Educational Standard / a technical specification profile (TSP) for a highly skilled workforce for the needs of the railway industry.

General Description of the Work Done

All the developments and outputs from Working Groups 1 to 8 were analysed. Relevant input was identified and organized into technical specification profiles for rail workers at strategic, operational, and tactical levels. The team also conducted a comprehensive analysis of similarities and differences between different profiles, job specifications, and categories in the railway industry. Additionally, they identified the abilities, competences, experience, properties, capabilities, and knowledge required for each job specification and category. Drawing conclusions from the comparison of results, the team was able to provide valuable insights.

A proposal for an Educational Standard and a technical specification profile (TSP) is developed, tailored to the needs of a highly skilled workforce in the railway industry. The main objective was to pave the way towards establishing a common Europe-wide standard for rail skills development through training, research, and education. Aspects of the TSP were presented, tested, and validated during the ASTONRail final conference in Stockholm, marking a significant achievement.

Main Results

The main result of this project is the development of a comprehensive Standard for rail skills development. This Education Standard defines the characteristics of effective skills development, outlines its manifestation in the teaching and learning environment, and highlights its positive impact on student learning experiences. The standards framework encompasses the necessary knowledge, practices, and professional engagement required for the successful implementation of skills development practices. Additionally, the adoption of multi-method teaching approaches has been demonstrated to significantly enhance student learning outcomes.

Another major achievement is the creation of a technical specification profile (TSP) for a highly skilled workforce in the railway industry. This TSP serves to specify and standardize the abilities, competences, experience, properties, capabilities, and knowledge essential for skilled professionals working in various rail job categories. The TSP encompasses all job categories across three management levels, namely operational, strategic, and tactical. This standardized profile facilitates a more consistent and effective approach to workforce development, ensuring a high level of expertise and competence among rail workers throughout the industry.

Documents for Download

The output 9 final report is available at