Update Study Courses
You are from a Higher Education Instiution (HEI) and you want to add (or update) your railway related study course?
You can do this with the following steps:
- Check whether the course already exists in the course database –> check database
- if so, edit the course on the course site shown in the database
- if not, go to the next steps
- Check whether the country already exists in the country list
- if so, go to the next step
- if not –> insert new country here
- Check whether the university/organisation already exists in the university list
- if so, go to the next step
- if not –> insert new university here
- Check whether the language for the course already exists in the language list
- if so, go to the next step
- if not –> insert new language here
- Create a new study course entry here
- Please, update the number of entries and the update date manually (as long as we havn't automated this step)
- on this site below and
- on the database welcome site "Study Course Database".
At the moment the database has 54 entries. Last update was on April 4th 2023..
astonrail_handbook/future_students/update_studycourse.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/22 16:29 by martin_l