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Update Study Courses

You are from a Higher Education Instiution (HEI) and you want to add (or update) your railway related study course?

You can do this with the following steps:

  1. Check whether the course already exists in the course database –> check database
    1. if so, edit the course on the course site shown in the database
    2. if not, go to the next steps
  2. Check whether the country already exists in the country list
    1. if so, go to the next step
    2. if not –> insert new country here
  3. Check whether the university/organisation already exists in the university list
    1. if so, go to the next step
    2. if not –> insert new university here
  4. Check whether the language for the course already exists in the language list
    1. if so, go to the next step
    2. if not –> insert new language here
  5. Create a new study course entry here
  6. Please, update the number of entries and the update date manually (as long as we havn't automated this step)
    1. on this site below and
    2. on the database welcome site "Study Course Database".

At the moment the database has 54 entries. Last update was on April 4th 2023..

astonrail_handbook/future_students/update_studycourse.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/22 16:29 by martin_l