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Information on Didactics for Higher Education

This page offers links to external websites where information about didactics for higher education is provided in the ASTONRail project partner countries and further (European) countries. Please, help us to extend this page with further links for all other countries in Europe and beyond.

(Legal notice: We do not take care for and do not have influence on the page contents linked here.)



Many universities and universities of applied sciences in Germany offer qualification opportunities in higher education didactics to improve the quality of higher education teaching. This is a selection of higher education didactics networks and competence centres in different Federal states of Germany:


Links related to websites of different universities related to the information on the enhancement and development of the skills and professionalism of the teaching staff through interventions that aim to encourage careful planning of teaching, to introduce innovative teaching methodologies, to solicit reflection on evaluation processes, in a student-centered perspective:




Every single university has their own pages in Sweden. In KTH case there are internal web pages with these resources, not public for all.

The Learning Scientist: scientific research on learning, accessible to students, teachers, and other educators

United Kingdom

These websites provide information about didactics for higher education in railway engineering and management and career guidance for those interested in pursuing a career in the railway industry.

Further Countries


astonrail_handbook/hei_teachers/links-didactics.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/22 17:00 by martin_l