Table of Contents
Types and Methodes by Classification
For an easy orientation all teaching and learning types and methods as well as the assessment methods from the database are listed by this classification on this page. In the tables some essential information is given only. The individual whole information about the types and methods you can reach by the highlighted page names in the first column of the table.
Teaching and learning types
Page | name of type or methode | short description | best practice examples |
type-method_001 | In-class teaching/lectures | Well-structured lectures executed in the classroom for introduction, presentation and discussion of key theoretical aspects, standards, operational rules, and similar for medium size and big size groups | bp_1_type_in-class_teaching_or_lectures_1.pdf, bp_2_type_in-class_teaching_or_lectures_2.pdf, bp_3_type_in-class_teaching_or_lectures_3.pdf |
type-method_005 | Invitation of guest lecturers/experts | Delivering the teaching content by university non-academic experts and professionals, coupling the course content to stakeholders and applications | bp_10_type_invitation_of_guest_lecturers_experts_1.pdf, bp_11_type_invitation_of_guest_lecturers_experts_2.pdf |
type-method_004 | Online teaching and learning | - Type where teaching process is delivered remotely through online platforms - Level of implementation is very different (starting from sharing learning material (produced in advance) via a static online platform up to interactive and synchronic virtual classrooms delivery) | bp_8_type_online_teaching_and_learning_1.pdf, bp_9_type_online_teaching_and_learning_2.pdf |
type-method_006 | Practical learning/internship | - Type of learning provided outside a university in a practical and real-live working context - Duration can be a few weeks or a whole semester - Can be an integrated part of the curriculum | bp_12_type_practical_learning_internship_1.pdf, bp_13_type_practical_learning_internship_2.pdf, bp_14_type_practical_learning_internship_3.pdf |
type-method_007 | Self-learning | Type of learning where students learn on their own without influence by teachers during that time | bp_15_type_self-learning_1.pdf, bp_16_type_self-learning_2.pdf |
type-method_002 | Seminars | - Type of small and medium sized group teaching (approx. 5 - 30 persons) with huge share of interaction between the students - Mostly in the classroom in an in-class teaching situation, but not necessarily - No front-of-class teaching instead of that tutor guide on the side or meddler in the middle, sometimes student-led - Research seminars: Can as well be a format to show students ongoing research activities of internal or external researchers or to let the students present research publications to each other | bp_4_type_seminars_1.pdf, bp_5_type_seminars_2.pdf |
type-method_008 | Supervision | Making it possible for students to learn under close supervision by tutor/supervisor | bp_17_type_supervision.pdf |
type-method_003 | Tutorials/practices | - Teaching sessions targeted to the application of the theoretical concepts presented in the lectures - Type suited to stabilize and consolidate theoretical aspects and to transfer from knowing to skill/applications - These could include time to work individually or in student groups to solve the exercises before receiving a solution proposal from the educator | bp_6_type_tutorials_practices_1.pdf, bp_7_type_tutorials_practices_2.pdf |
Teaching and learning methods
Page | name of type or methode | short description | best practice examples |
type-method_009 | Brainstorming/brainwriting | A group creativity technique, method that can often be used to generate and collect new ideas, prior knowledge and associations on a specific topic | bp_18_method_brainstorming_brainwriting.pdf |
type-method_013 | Case study | - A case study presents the learner with a "case" that describes a problematic situation (usually fictitious or historical) - The task then is to work out a solution. - It is important that the learners independently work out a solution to the problem on the basis of case material | bp_24_method_case_study_1.pdf, bp_25_method_case_study_2.pdf |
type-method_025 | Desktop studies | Students use freely available online software/platforms when solving problem tasks and obtain freely available information needed to solve the given problem | bp_41_method_desktop_studies.pdf |
type-method_010 | Discussion | Development of a theme in an informal exchange of ideas, opinions and information, carried out by the group of students led by the teacher or another student who acts as a guide and questioner (the director) | bp_19_method_discussion.pdf |
type-method_012 | Experiment | - A scientific method to discover new facts, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate an already known fact - It relies on repeatable hands-on tests or investigations that are meant to demonstrate a cause-effect relationship, or further analysing the effect of different variables in the problem at hand | bp_23_method_experiment.pdf |
type-method_018 | Flipped classroom | Method in which the learning content is read by the learners before the lecture, and the physical meeting in the classroom is used for activities that more actively engage the students such as applying the theory in practical cases or teaching and discussing more advanced concepts | bp_30_method_flipped_classroom.pdf |
type-method_030 | Group work | Working in small groups for interactive learning experience (actually a social form and not a method) and learning teamwork | bp_46_method_group_work.pdf |
type-method_014 | In-class "Questions & Answers" sessions | - Open lecture or seminar where students can freely ask questions to teachers, instructors, assistants, etc. - The teacher can ask for students to send questions beforehand, take them during the session, or have a set of questions prepared in case students don't have specific ones | bp_37_method_in_class_q_a_sessions.pdf |
type-method_026 | Involvement of students in research activities/events | Student participation and attendance in regular scientific processes (e. g. conferences, events, scientific project work) | bp_42_method_involvement_of_students.pdf |
type-method_016 | Laboratory exercise | Practical exercises in individual (or in small groups) done in a laboratory to deepen and to apply theoretical aspects | bp_27_method_laboratory_exercise_1.pdf, bp_28_method_laboratory_exercise_2.pdf |
type-method_015 | Listening task | Guided note-taking, composing questions of activity that the learner does while listening | bp_26_method_listening_task.pdf |
type-method_027 | Literature review | Research and analysis of various sources of literature on a topic | bp_43_method_literature_review.pdf |
type-method_019 | Paper discussion | Learners review a scientific paper about a recent research topic at home before all together discuss the key aspects learned in class | bp_31_method_paper_discussion.pdf |
type-method_028 | Poster | - Large-format print that serves to convey information to the public about results - Usually supported with an in-person short pitch for driving the readers to the highlights - Serves as a way of consolidating the student learning into a compact visual format, promoting reflection | bp_44_method_poster.pdf |
type-method_020 | Presentation | Presentation of some outcome in class | bp_32_method_presentation_1.pdf, bp_33_method_presentation_2.pdf |
type-method_031 | Problem solving | Structured problem-solving methodology that is mainly used to identify, correct, and eliminate recurring problems | bp_47_method_problem_solving.pdf |
type-method_021 | Project work | - Learning is organised around complex tasks or projects arising from a technical or societal challenge - Students individually or in groups self-direct towards a specific objective, including several phases from planing, implementation, result reporting, etc. | bp_34_method_project_work.pdf |
type-method_029 | Self reflection | Learning activity where one takes time to reflect, think about or evaluate ones own learning process and level in relation to the intended learning outcomes | bp_45_method_self-reflection.pdf |
type-method_022 | Simulation | - Recreation of real scenarios for training purposes - Use of modern simulators for training and planning of processes, e.g. for costs or safety related aspects | bp_35_method_simulation_1.pdf, bp_36_method_simulation_2.pdf |
type-method_023 | Small practice and calculation exercises | Task specific exercises with real examples executed in classroom to apply theoretical concepts | bp_38_method_small_practice_calculation_exercises_1.pdf, bp_39_method_small_practice_calculation_exercises_2.pdf |
type-method_024 | Student feedback/review | Open feedback to a person or group about how their behaviour is perceived and interpreted by others | bp_40_method_student_feedback_review.pdf |
type-method_011 | Technical visits/field trips | - Technical visit of a real factory, company, on-site infrastructure (outside classroom and university) with introduction, explanation of what is seen - Excursion where staff applies into practice methods and concepts that were previously taught at university - Looking back, many students describe technical visits as a highlight of their studies | bp_20_method_technical_visits_field_trips_1.pdf, bp_21_method_technical_visits_field_trips_2.pdf, bp_22_method_technical_visits_field_trips_3.pdf |
type-method_017 | Use of multimedia material | Using didactic material which combines different media types as there are videos, audio, animations, graphics, text | bp_29_method_use_of_multimedia_material.pdf |
Assessment methods
Page | name of type or methode | short description | best practice examples |
type-method_038 | Case study | - Solving a described problematic situation ("the case") - Grading of the students' results of the teaching and learning method case study | bp_60_assessment_method_case_study.pdf |
type-method_032 | Closed book exam/written exam (on campus) | Exam that is taken without additional resources or without the use of your textbook | bp_48_assessment_method_closed_book_exam_1.pdf, bp_49_assessment_method_closed_book_exam_2.pdf |
type-method_034 | Coursework | Work that is assigned or performed as part of a course of study | bp_52_assessment_method_coursework.pdf |
type-method_033 | Open book exam or homework (online or offline) | - Exam or homework where it is allowed to use all material - Can be grading exercises that the students solve in small groups every 2-3 weeks for a module in which basic engineering knowledge is taught - Can be an open book exam in which students respond to exam questions available via the internet in an electronic portal. | bp_50_assessment_method_open_book_exam_or_homework_1.pdf, bp_51_assessment_method_open_book_exam_or_homework_2.pdf |
type-method_037 | Oral exam | - Assessment practice where the students demonstrates their knowledge orally. It typically involves the evaluator posing questions to the evaluated student - Interactive interview complemented with presentation of practices developed by single students or groups of them as a powerful system to check the knowledge acquisition level | bp_57_assessment_method_oral_exam_1.pdf, bp_58_assessment_method_oral_exam_2.pdf, bp_59_assessment_method_oral_exam_3.pdf |
type-method_039 | Performance in laboratory | Practical solving of a task in a laboratory | bp_61_assessment_method_performance_in_laboratory_1.pdf, bp_62_assessment_method_performance_in_laboratory_2.pdf |
type-method_035 | Presentation | - A talk to a group giving information about something - Evaluation of knowledge on oral form where the student declares the results of his work or e.g. the results of continuos research | bp_53_assessment_method_presentation_1.pdf, bp_54_assessment_method_presentation_2.pdf |
type-method_036 | Project related/problem solving tasks | Process of defining a problem, determining its cause, and implementing a solution | bp_55_assessment_method_project_related_problem_solving_tasks_1.pdf, bp_56_assessment_method_project_related_problem_solving_tasks_2.pdf |
type-method_040 | Self-assessment mock-up exams | - Exams similar to the actual final examination that are available for the students to solve on their own, sometimes including a valid solution; or are solved in a scheduled activity - The objective is that students can self-assess and act accordingly on their learning process - It is a purely formative assessment, cannot be used directly as summative assessment | bp_63_assessment_method_self-assessment_1.pdf, bp_64_assessment_method_self-assessment_2.pdf |
type-method_041 | Work on individual assignments | Solving individual tasks for each student, including a description of the problem, methodology and results of the solution | bp_65_assessment_method_work_on_individual_assignments.pdf |
astonrail_handbook/hei_teachers/types_and_methods_by_classification.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/22 17:09 by martin_l